Sunday, August 2, 2009

Twilight Party

Rachel and Carly arrived from England the day after we returned from North Carolina. It was a crazy week but I would say one of the highlights was our Twilight Party in honor of Rachel's birthday. I invited all my Twilight friends and their daughters. I have included a few party pictures that I hope you enjoy!

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

North Carolina Trip

The kids and I arrived safely in the mountains of North Carolina. We were excited to be able to make the Third Annual Dickson Family Gathering. We saw a bear and a deer as we drove into North Carolina. It was great fun as we made the trip with my cousin and her family. I have also been able to visit with my dear Aunt Lin, who has been bravely battling acute leukemia. She is recovering very well from her final treatment and has got to come over the past two afternoons for long visits. The kids have played non-stop in the cool mountain air!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Poor Hubby

We are in the process of remodeling our bathroom due to a water leak. Tonight Rob was bringing the backboard in to the lay the tile, and he cut his finger. Unfortunately, I faint at the sight of blood and our neighbors are on vacation. I had to take the band-aids, or plasters as he calls them, on the counter for him. Good finally stopped bleeding and I didn't faint. Bad progress on remodel and family will be here soon!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dickson 4th of July

As far back as I can remember my family has always had a family reunion on the the 4th of July. We would cook out during the day and then as night falls we watch fireworks and eat homemade ice cream. For the first time in a very long time, we were able to spend the 4th with my family. My cousin,Eric, hosted the event. We had a great time...swimming, playing washers, horseback riding, and fireworks were enjoyed by all.

Sorry this post was a little son fell and broke his arm on Sunday, my birthday. He is doing much better and is looking forward to getting his hard cast on.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

VBS 2009

We had a blast at Vacation Bible School. Our church had over 1,000 kids in attendance. There were at least 34 kids who accepted Jesus as their Savior. Go God! I was blessed to work in the Missions rotation and had a blast. The kids were excited that there was an ozone alert most days because that meant that they were able to jump in the inflatables more.